Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Girly Boy Names

I like girls names for guys, like Courtney, and Casey, and Shannon... Does that make me a heathen? I like to think it does... Anyhoo, the following are the top ten boys and girls names in America for 2006.

Boy's Names

Girl's Names

1. Jacob

1. Emily

2. Michael

2. Emma

3. Joshua

3. Madison

4. Ethan

4. Isabella

5. Matthew

5. Ava

6. Daniel

6. Abigail

7. Christopher

7. Olivia

8. Andrew

8. Hannah

9. Anthony

9. Sophia

10. William

10. Samantha

Note that there's not a girly-boy name in the bunch. (actually, there are no boyish-girl names either, like Taylor or Chuck. Not even any unisex names like Jamie or Betty Sue.) i guess i must be the only one on the girly-boy-name-bandwagon. ahhh, i love being original. it's so refreshing. just like coke zero--"tastes so much like coke, we should probably sue ourselves." Have you seen that litigious-themed ad?

It's not like I'm trying to promote Coke or anything, I just think it's a little crazy that one of the world's most popular brands is rolling out a whole lawsuit-centered campaign. Could this be the beginning of the end?

PS: To mom and dad and aunt jenny jo, just because i'm blogging about names does NOT mean i'm pregnant.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Everybody's seen this bumper sticker, right?

I think it's a bit preposterous. First of all, we all know that Al Gore is NOT running for president. But okay, if we're dreaming--as this bumper sticker boldly dares to do--why not come up with a running mate who's also a total wild card? Well, I've taken it upon myself to conjure a few stellar pairings of my own, and here's what I've come up with: (My only rule was that, following the Gore/Obama model, I needed to select one somewhat-senior member, and a not-so-experienced partner.)



(not Jimmy, you nimrod--Warren! we need a designated driver)

VICK '08
(yes, as in Scooby)

Vote for your favorite... and feel free to add one of your own to my comments!

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Secrets are fun to tell, but they usually end up hurting someone. So I was looking for just the right person to confide in, who I knew would lend a safe, neutral, unflinching ear. Well, I found him, sitting right there on a bench in beautiful Cambria, California, just two short weeks ago. And let me tell you... I don't understand why people waste so much money on shrinks, when this guy helped me figure out just how to deal with all the twisted backstabbers, addicts, and neurotics in my life, and all it cost me was the price of a 1/4 lb of rocky road fudge at a nearby storefront ($6.50 U.S.) Worth the trip, believe me--even accounting for our devalued currency!

P.S. Thanks to all you midwesterners out there who have rallied behind me and my blog! (Coastal readers, check out the clustermap link below to see how many heartland visitors have joined me since my previous post lamenting their absence. Do I feel a competition coming on???

P.P.S. Welcome Canadians--your newcomerness was not lost on me!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

This dog, Saint, not only gets barreled on a regular basis, he's also a volunteer therapist (no joke) for a women's shelter. In addition, he hikes, climbs, and loves to kick the soccer ball around. I might try to set him up with one of my single friends.

Read more about Saint here.

Friday, August 10, 2007


Hi Readers,

Has anyone seen that dancing mortgage alien? He's been very ubiquitous lately. Apparently, he's the spokes-alien for If you are blessed enough to stumble upon the animated version of him, you won't deny that he really does have the moves. Truth be told, he actually dances EXACTLY like this one friend of mine--I won't say who, other than that she's an Asian female. But anyway, they've both been gifted with astonishing rhythm.

I guess I'm just a little confused by the choice of a green space alien raver as a symbol for mortgage savings. Can anyone explain that to me? Any marketing execs out there? Bottom line is, I'm both drawn to and repelled by him. Maybe I've just answered my own question...

Tune in to ABC next season for a sitcom about a space alien who sells home loans by day, and attends raves at night. His dream is to be a professional dancer, and to legalize Ecstasy. And for all you "intellectual" property thieves out there, I've already registered this idea with the WGA, so fuhgeddaboudit.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Okay. So, I was looking at the neat little clustrmaps (not a typo) feature on my blog, and it looks like, in addition to some of my European brothers and sisters, my main traffic--if you can call three people on a country road traffic--is coming from the east coast and the west coast. well, what about the flyover states, I ask? why aren't those lovely people from the land of corn and potatoes paying me a visit? too busy producing ethanol? well, that's all great and fine, but, corn based ethanol is totally inefficient, and i would really appreciate some more (or any) heartland lookiloos.

So, dear readers--and you know who you are--I implore you, please spread the word to those who may not boast an ocean view, but might still be likely to squander away a few minutes getting to know me and my oh-so-special e-persona.

Thank you, and enjoy the negative ions.