Thursday, November 1, 2007


Know who's in the above picture? If you said, Dr. James Dobson, of Focus on the Family, you'd be right. If you said Adobe Acrobat 8, you'd also be right. What do the two have to do with each other? Nothing that I know of. Though JD has probably used AA once or twice. But I accidentally uploaded the Adobe picture (I'm selling Adobe on ebay--I don't keep it in my family album) and can't seem to get rid of it here.

AAnnnyyhoo, I just wanted to show you that picture of James Dobson, because I was talking about him last night and realizing, I don't think I've ever seen his mug. Now that picture, and its soft, feathered-light background, looks like it's straight out of 1973. Does it not? Reminds me of one of those science films we watched in fourth grade where the guy with the horn rimmed glasses driving a '57 Chevy showed you how much sugar was really in a milk shake. Which begs the question, why does the Christian right seem to be stuck in an entirely outdated era, all the time??? I bet when high-waisted jeans come back in, (as they so sadly are) James Dobson will be right there with his pair, ready to go. Or maybe not... Maybe he's stuck in an era prior to the FIRST wave of high-waisted jeans. His wife probably still wears one of those full body bathing suits.

Anyway, I do think that the Fundamentalists being stuck in another era is a, forgive me, fundamental problem for us all. First off, they are trying to live as though we were all in a biblical era. In case anyone hasn't noticed from the advancements in sneaker design, we're not. Second, they are all about strict constructionist views on the Constitution and all that stuff, which is basically a microcosm of their passion for rigidly adhering to an outdated text from a long bygone era.
But anyway, it's getting a little breezy up here on this soapbox, so I'm gonna come down now. I just wanted anyone who is frightened by the direction this country has taken--and don't be fooled by not hearing that much about Huckabee or Brownback, they're waiting to pounce at the last minute--to know thine enemy, as the bible thumpers would say. And so now, if you're ever walking down the street past James Dobson (or perhaps if you see him leaving yoga class or while standing in line for your latte) you can put a face with a name. Or a pie in the face. As the case may be.

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