Dear readers,
I have something to admit to you and I'm kinda worried about what you might think of me but anyway here goes: I have a thing for buses. I just think they're so cute. And they remind me of different characters. Like Muni in San Francisco makes me think of Mr. Snuffleuffigus* (Snuffy for those in the know.) And most of the major metro buses seem to have a smile on their "faces" and a peppy countenance.
My bus crush is not indiscriminate, however. Certain buses, like those oversized coach buses:

They just don't have those optimistic rounded bodies that make your heart melt. Know what I mean?
Didn't think so. But you'll just have to trust me on this.
* I had a really hard time finding a picture of Mr. Snuffleuffigus on the web. If you happen upon one, please let me know.
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