Are you a bit tired of Ben Stiller? Well, so am I. He's had his day in the sun, and though it was very sunny for a time (Zoolander, Reality Bytes, Dodge Ball, Something About Mary, etc) he's still in every other comedy, and he continues to play the lead even though age has clearly tightened its grip on the man. It's like he's at mile 17 of the marathon, while the ingenues opposite him continue to bounce around on the treadmill of eternal youth. Beyond all that, I'm just kind of ready for some new funny to come to a dvd player near me. Nah mean? Well, you know what? I think it's time to stop complaining and finally DO something about it! Won't you hop on the chuckwagon--er, bandwagon? Put your movie star where your mouth is? Well, okay, then! If you know someone with the potential to be the next Big Ben, please spread the word and have them answer the craigslist ad here.
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