Unless you live in a cave in Afghanistan, you've probably heard about the British teacher who was
arrested in Khartoum, Sudan, for
allowing her students to name a teddy bear Mohammed. Wait, scratch that. If you live in a cave in Afghanistan, you've most
definitely heard this news around the water cooler... Well, anyway, the teddy bear in question was unavailable for comment, but I managed to find a photo that very closely matches the description of the actual bear (see above.) Normally, I would say that there is no higher honor in the land than to be named after a teddy bear. But this particular bear, with its headdress, ribbon, (probably used for torture,) and boxes of "gifts" (come on, I know a homemade bomb when I see one,) it is easy to see why naming this teddy bear Mohammed might be considered profiling, and thus, offensive to the Sudanese people. After all, their government is known for holding itself to the most stringent of moral codes.
The teacher, Gillian Gibbons, may face jail time, or possibly, 40 lashes. The bear, you ask? Why, he has been recruited by the
Janjaweed, of course.
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