We celebrated our two year wedding anniversary this weekend in La Jolla. It was really great. But there was one obstacle to perfection--how were we supposed to go jewelry shopping with THIS guy in our way? I mean, not even diamonds are worth an encounter with a ghoul. Or a goblin, or a zombie... I hate to sound racist, but they all look alike to me!
I guess I should get used to sharing my birthday and my anniversary with Halloween, my most dreaded of holidays. Yes, I hate it. Dressing up = total waste of time. Scary costumes and horror films = scary and horrifying. Candy = bad for you. What's to love? But you know what's kinda romantic? My husband and I both share a strong dislike of that aforementioned extravaganza of candy corns and plastic vampire teeth and cobwebs. So I guess you could say, without Halloween to bring us together, there might not be any anniversary at all. Yeah, you could say it, but you'd be way off. But... you could say it. Go ahead.
Say it! Or I will send a goblin to haunt you and your entire family. Hoohoohhaaaaaahhaaa!
I love Halloween!!!!!!! and all that stuff...but I also love that you don't love halloween, it makes you very Buckwheatesque!
One year, to torture you I am going to make you dress up!!! and eat candy corn and wear vampire teeth!
I want to see Let it Ride with Lulu!
as long as you can tell which is the 'ghoul'
you shouldn't marry, you're cookin'.
pumpkin sqares, anyone?
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