Secrets are fun to tell, but they usually end up hurting someone. So I was looking for just the right person to confide in, who I knew would lend a safe, neutral, unflinching ear. Well, I found him, sitting right there on a bench in beautiful Cambria, California, just two short weeks ago. And let me tell you... I don't understand why people waste so much money on shrinks, when this guy helped me figure out just how to deal with all the twisted backstabbers, addicts, and neurotics in my life, and all it cost me was the price of a 1/4 lb of rocky road fudge at a nearby storefront ($6.50 U.S.) Worth the trip, believe me--even accounting for our devalued currency!
P.S. Thanks to all you midwesterners out there who have rallied behind me and my blog! (Coastal readers, check out the clustermap link below to see how many heartland visitors have joined me since my previous post lamenting their absence. Do I feel a competition coming on???
P.P.S. Welcome Canadians--your newcomerness was not lost on me!
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